13 July 2014

Chree left at 10:30 en route Arlington, MA to babysit Devin for a week while Alex is in Hawaii on “business” and Katy settles into her new position as Director of Administrative Services for the Cardiac Surgery Division at Mass General Hospital.  Realized that the revised window sizes for the two Guest Bedrooms (that Ian and Perry framed in on Friday) were incorrect.  Those windows have to meet the Residential Building Code requirements for emergency egress, which means using wide casements vice regular casements… a difference of 8½″ in overall window width.  So spent several hours undoing Ian and Perry’s work (when they put framing together, they apparently mean for it to stay together) and rebuilding the window rough openings to the correct size.  Then I split up a bunch of scrap lumber into fire-starting kindling… until it started raining at 2:30.  Shed garage door opener decided to stop working for some reason that I can’t figure out… even after stooping to reading the instruction manual.