29 August 2013

Schlepped the Kubota down to Giddings in the morning for its 50 hour engine oil, oil filter, and hydraulic oil filter change.  Would have done the work myself (and saved a hundred fifty dollars) except that the hydraulic oil filter change was a real bear.  Right after lunch Marty came over for an hour to help feed (while I pulled) the four electric wires down the conduit between the upper and lower walkway ends.  Then I finished connecting the conduit to the lower junction box and connecting all the wires inside.  Flipped on the circuit breaker and… (wait for it!) everything worked perfectly.  I know, NOT what you were expecting from Mr. Booby.  Marty and Merry came over for BBQ spare ribs (the ones I pre-cooked in the oven for seven hours on Monday).  After another hour over a smoky fire they were absolutely falling-off-the-bone delicious.  Once it got dark, we staggered outside for Le Grande Illumination!  Merry did the honors, throwing the switch that lit up the entire walkway, top to bottom and back again by the southern route.  Stunningly beautiful, as expected.  After the Lapidii left, I went for a swim to admire the lighting from the offshore vantage point.  Even more beautiful (and the water was pretty nice, too)!