22 August 2013

Left Springfield at 0600 and set a new land speed record to Baltimore – 3 hours 25 minutes, for an average “speed” of just over 20 mph for that leg of the trip.  Finally got to Fern Lake at 1700, completely strung out.  We had emptied the ice cube trays when we left in July, so had to drink the requisite restorative beverages neat. What torture! Good news: 1,600 mg of Naproxen taken just before departure kept the sciatic nerve pain in check almost all the way.  Bad news: Dolores is up to her usual tricks, AGAIN!!!!  Starting battery COMPLETELY flat.  Only took me 2½ hours to remember that the RV coach batteries can be cross-connected to the engine starting solenoid, i.e., the RV has the capability to jumpstart itself.  That done, Dolores condescended to start so that I could extend the slide-out.  Lots of mouse “signs” in the usual drawers… looks like they found out that the cat has been away for six weeks.