23 August 2013

Another mouse, recently residing in the utensils drawer, has been given a new home at the Silver Lake parking lot.  Met with Joan Donahue, Esq., in her office to discuss questions about the applicability of the Leicester Zoning Bylaws to the various construction projects (completed, ongoing, and future) that are the subject of these ramblings.  On the way back to Fern Lake stopped at the Middlebury Hannaford to procure several food items that got left in Virginia because I’m an idiot.  Then started to reinforce the plastic milk crate mounted on the Kubota for tool carrying (it wasn’t holding up to the abuse it was getting) and discovered that I’m even more of an idiot that I thought… except that apparently even such simple thoughts are beyond my ken, i.e., I also left both cordless drills, my drill bit assortment, and my hacksaw behind in Virginia. On a positive (????) note: I now have TWO full bottles of Black Label and FOUR tubs of butter here in Vermont.  Do you suppose the Scotch will counter-balance the cholesterol?  Faked repairs to the milk crate with my monster hammer drill and a ship auger bit while Tasi was busy in Virginia getting a $50 FedEx shipment together.  Spent most of the afternoon filling out Leicester Building Permit applications and doing the requisite drawings (site plan, floor plan, and elevation) for the (already built – oops!) Wood Shed and (wanted to build this summer but that ain’t gonna happen) Dock Building and Sauna (that will need a setback waiver from the Zoning Board of Adjustment).