1 October 2012

Another nasty, rainy day.  Reinstalled the Triangle Square Circle driveway sign.  Any bets as to how long this one lasts????  Spent most of the day updating my computer inventory of the “stuff” in the RV and shed, and thinking (ad nauseum) that all the items marked for return to Virginia are not going to fit into, or even onto, the van.  Some hard decisions in the forecast for the next couple of weeks.  Goodro Lumber delivered a few more pressure treated 2x4’s and 4x4’s, the materials needed to finish the walkway to the halfway point.  The lake temperature is down to 64°, which is a tad unfortunate as the dock steps blew back over into the lake while I was in Calais… and they can’t be raised without going chest-deep into the water.  Mr. Happy isn’t going to be when that day comes…