7 October 2012

The cold front that rolled through yesterday brought fall with it.  Early this morning, dressed quite comfortably for moderate exertion with a tee-shirt, a long-sleeve running shirt, and a sweatshirt, I stopped down to see Merry for a moment… who (being a real Vermonter) was dressed only in a short-sleeve golf shirt (and pants), and had nary a goose bump. Completed building the Halfway There bench by 9 o’clock, then started putting railing caps on the walkway section between the third landing and the current end of the road. At noon I delivered another utensils drawer mouse to the Silver Lake parking lot tree stump.  Finished the railing caps early afternoon and was just about to break out the generator and belt sander when it started to sprinkle.  Using electrical tools in the rain = not smart, so inventoried, stacked and covered the walkway construction lumber that will winter over.  That done, it was still drizzling, so decided to bring the canoe and kayak up from the waterfront for winter storage.  Problem: how do you carry a 17 canoe in a pickup truck with a 6 bed?  Answer: by constructing a “bed extension” out of some 2x4’s and 2x6x12’s.  That done, drove the Ranger (with my bicycle in back) down to the public access landing at the southern end of Fern Lake, bicycled back to Ο, paddled Hopea Kanootti down to the landing and loaded her onto the truck (secured with my new ratchet straps), drove back to Ο, then repeated the process for the kayak. At dusk, Marty, Heather, Graham, and Gabby came up for a walkway tour.