25 April 2011

Was SUPPOSED to be a reasonably nice day, so planned to have the first campfire of the season and barbeque chicken for dinner. Which meant, of course, that it started raining about 4 o’clock… story of my life! Laid and parged five sections of the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth courses, including one section made up entirely of rocks from Steve’s old sauna stove. Carefully installed the State of Vermont (or at least the igneous form thereof that Tammy Walsh unearthed last week) in a prominent, central location just above the triangle, square, circle rocks. Vermont was a bit tipsy, so had to brace it in position while I applied the mortar mix. An hour later (when the mortar SHOULD have taken its initial set), took off the brace… whereupon Vermont took a header (must have been VERY tipsy), taking a chip out of the footer. Some mosquitoes around today, but not too bothersome. Leicester being the Mosquito Capital of the World, you can assume that the foregoing statement will be true from now until October, unless otherwise noted.