12 April 2011
(Over) loaded the van, per usual, with all the “stuff” needed for a month of RV camping and the upcoming construction season, plus a plump 164 pound driver. Unfortunately, left Springfield 15 minutes later than planned, so instead of being just ahead of rush hour, took 45 minutes to go the first 12 miles. After that was clear sailing (except for a minor bridge-construction slowdown in Philadelphia) all the way north. Just over 9 hours for the trip. Rained from Philly to an hour south of Albany. Sun came out when I crossed into Vermont – hopefully a good omen. Still lots of ice on the south end of Fern Lake, and about 20 yards along the shoreline by our dock. Don’t think we’ll be swimming this week. All the snow is gone from our property, though the Lapidus’ still have a goodly supply. Delores looked much as I had left her – from the outside that is… Tarp removed, found that the urban legend that cat hair placed around and under the RV will keep the furry creatures away is MYTH BUSTED! A major nest (made from all of the remaining RV insulation, no doubt) in the compartment above the microwave where the soda is kept, and mouse droppings all over the shop. And by “all over” I mean that I spent several hours washing all the silverware, plates, and utensils, plus their storage compartments, that wintered over. About 8:30 was reminded that I hadn’t had dinner, so inhaled a generic can of Chef Boyardee… and a few ounces of restorative from a bottle with a black label… and called it a day.