20 April 2011
Delores kept me warm all night and her furnace still worked this morning. That’s miraculous… read on. After picking up sharpened saw blades at Ernie Miner’s Saw Shop, took Delores, extended steps and all, into Middlebury for propane. Backed up to the pump at Agway just as a substantial thunderstorm hit. So settled in for the duration catching up on accounting paperwork… one of the advantages of traveling in an RV. Once the storm passed, the attendant put 18.85 gallons into Delores’ 23 gallon propane tank. However, there is a backpressure cutoff when the tank reaches 80% full to allow for vapor expansion. Do the math: 80% of 23 gallons is 18.4 gallons. Obviously the furnace was running on fumes (literally and figuratively) last night. Stopped by Hannaford’s for four grocery necessities… left the store $65 poorer, but I’m sure going to eat well! Dropped off the Jonsered at Taylor Rental for what should be a simple carburetion adjustment. With Delores again parked in her accustomed spot back at Fern Lake and just as I was about to make lunch, Liam Powers and Gary Perkins (co-owners of Electrical Power Solutions) showed up to take a look at wiring the Taj Mahal woodshed. By the time they departed, $$ in their eyes, I was way late for my own departure with the Ranger to Junction Auto for its annual inspection, an oil change, and to put the 41 psi tires on the back and the 35 psi tires on the front, vice having one of each front and rear. Picked up the Jonsered on the way back to Fern Lake; no charge for the adjustment, and the saw now runs MUCH better!