13 April 2011

A nasty, rainy typical April day.  Made preparations to take Delores out for some exercise (i.e., over to Lynne & Perry’s for some “good” water… not that the water that comes out of Fern Lake via the Wheeless-Middleton’s isn’t good, but I know for a fact that fish pee in that supply).  Turned the key and the RV main cabin door steps (that I paid $$$$ to have replaced last August) did not retract.  Boo, hiss!!!!  So drove over to the Pirkkanens anyway, being very careful not to sideswipe anything due to Delores being extra wide (please note that I didn’t accuse her of being fat).  After returning from that foray, passed by the shed cellar hole for about the twentieth time since yesterday (being nothing if not keenly observant) and noted that some major landslides had occurred there over the winter.  And some of the rocks now resting against the cement columns and between-column walls ain’t small, neither!  We’ll see on Friday just how far Tammy Walsh’s backhoe will really reach…  It being a good day for inside work, repaired two kitchen cabinet and the bathroom door latches that had been driving me slightly nuts for some time.  Now all work as they should.  Made an emergency run into Middlebury for Ben & Jerry’s (and another 50′ length of water hose), then stopped by Lynne’s office on the way back to give her a fix of Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch.