21 April 2011
Snow flurries off and on all day; at noon ‘twas a blustery 42° outside, PERFECT #$@!!*% weather for washing and placing rocks. But, as the man said, the walls ain’t agonna build themselves. Put me in mind of the first assignment I had as a professional ski patrolman at Killington way back in 1972 – helping to build the concrete block foundation for a sewage pump house. As a similarly cold day turned into an even colder evening, I told the job foreman that the mortar mix was freezing, not setting. “Nah,” he said, “it’ll be fine.” Came the spring thaw, the foundation, and building, collapsed. Today tried wearing the dishwashing rubber gloves under my leather work gloves, which kept the hands just well chilled vice frozen. Definitely needed my long underwear today… except that I foolishly left it in Virginia. Of course the only times the sun came out were when I was inside for a hot lunch and just as soon as I quit for the evening. All whining aside, most of the eleventh course now is built.