8 October 2009
Spent much of the morning raking out ruts and filling in holes made by
Bob LaPorte’s excavator, then moving to the burn pile odds and ends of debris that looked like they belonged there, including much of the junk (wooden pallets, scrap wood, etc.) that we removed from down by the dock back in June. At lunchtime picked up Lynne at her office, then drove to Brandon Auto to pick up the pickup. Immediately upon return to Fern Lake struck a single match and set fire to the stump pile, which was a good 10 feet high at its peak. Fire started verrrrrry sloooooowly… but start it did. Can you see the dancing flames in the picture???? Me neither. Calvin Loven
stopped by and recommended using as much used motor oil as could be found, about 5 gallons of diesel fuel, and a gallon or two of gasoline. In a slightly more eco-friendly mode, used the pickup to haul many loads of dry brush to feed the fire… only way to get the junk in the pile to even think about doing anything but smolder. Used the 4WD often, as the tires on the pickup might be good in snow, but leave a lot to be desired off road in the mud. By 9:00 pm only an optimist would say that even ¼ of the stump pile had been consumed. Looking forward to seeing how much more is gone by morning.