5 October 2009

Figured Bob LaPorte would show up at 8:00, so was getting the RV ready to move about 7:20 when I heard noise out by the road. Sure enough, Bob was here already and starting to unload his excavator, completely blocking the driveway. We did a quick round of musical chairs so that I could get the RV out of his way for the day’s activities. Only reasonably level spot available was that portion of the Glassner’s driveway that is actually on our property. Since the Glassners are over in New Hampshire now pretty much full time, seemed like a reasonable place to temporarily park the RV. Bob and I went straight to work moving BIG rocks into place for the shed turning area retaining wall. The Leicester nugget (6 feet wide by 4 ½ feet high by 2 ½ feet thick… about 5 tons worth of granite) that Bob unearthed while digging the shed cellar hole was easily moved to a prime position in the new wall. Roger Currier, an old friend of Bob’s, showed up early on, stayed most of the day watching the fun, and lent an extra set of hands and strong arms on several occasions. Two of the nice things about Bob is that he is very precise with his bucket control (so that it is safe to be near the bucket when he is moving it) and he jumps right out of the cab to wrestle in the mud if that is what is needed at the moment. Mid-morning, while we were in the midst of horsing a rock into position, Sid Glassner showed up, asking could I please move the RV so that he and Shelley could get to their house. Ooops! The only other place to put the RV was by the pile of logs that will be sawed into beams for the shed, but that area looked pretty soft, which is why I didn’t put Delores there initially. Nothing for it at that point but to back the RV off the driveway into that spot. Early afternoon (notice I didn’t say “after lunch”… Bob and the Energizer Bunny have a LOT in common) it started to rain… just long enough and hard enough to be annoying… and to make the rocks really slippery to handle. One portion of the wall was a bit unstable because the base rock (roughly 6 feet square and 2 feet thick) at the bottom of that section had broken when another rock was placed on top. (Like I said, we were moving some truly man-sized pieces of stone!) Try as we might, we just couldn’t get that section to firm up. Finally, Bob tried placing a large boulder on the uphill side, thinking that might provide the support needed. Instead, that maneuver caused the whole section to collapse. Bigger oops! With rain again falling, time to quit for the day. Delores had to think long and hard when asked to pull out of her muddy parking spot… she almost decided to stay right there. But as they say, almost only counts in horseshoes. Safely returned to her normal, and much drier, parking spot, with all wine glassed intact, t’ was time to clean up. Literally a dozen washings of hands and they’re still stained black from whatever is in the Leicester mud. Had to clean the shower after cleaning me. A Sam Adams slid down real easy… and this pooped puppy will be early to bed tonight!