11 October 2009
At sunup (and sundown) the stump fire was still smoldering. After feeding Lynne & Perry’s cats, took the pickup to the Leicester General Store for a fill up with cheap gas. (They knock a dime off their regular price on Wednesdays and Sundays.) Then spent an hour trying to get the plethora of white dog hair out of the pickup using the shop vac. That turned out to be a hopeless cause. Disconnected the battery, added fuel stabilizer and dry gas to the tank, and covered the pickup with a nice green tarp for winter storage. After lunch took the RV into Middlebury to fill up the propane tank… had used over 13 gallons in the last 12 days, mostly in running the furnace. One begins to think that maybe the RV isn’t very well insulated… Then drove up to Lynne & Perry’s to give Delores her (annual????) bath, for which an unlimited supply of water was needed. Understatement of the year: Delores is BIG… and was VERY dirty. Took 3 hours just to clean the roof (and, at that, pretty poorly), completely wearing out a brand new mop in the process. I know what I want for Christmas… someone (hint, hint Tasi & Kristen) to give me a mid-summer RV washing and waxing. Upon return to Fern Lake, used the carpet cleaner to remove copious quantities of mud and dog hair from the RV main cabin floor. Unfortunately, the Bove's spaghetti sauce stains did NOT come out…