6 October 2009

Bob LaPorte had a previous engagement with Brad Ramsay for the morning, so puttered around doing this and that and eyeballing the work to be done once Bob arrived, which he did around noon. First on the agenda was to disassemble the unstable / collapsed part of the retaining wall and start over. Mission soon accomplished. Then we went looking for big rocks to complete the opposite end of the wall. Needless to say, we didn’t have to go far. Found another 4-tonner, too big for Bob’s excavator to pick up directly, but a quick wrap with my logging chain did the trick, though the excavator went up on its nose a few times. Once that rock was in place, Bob turned to digging the shed cellar hole longer and deeper, using the gravel and rocks from that excavation to back fill the retaining wall. By Sam Adams time much of that work was done.