4 October 2009

Woke up to lots of fog… a sure sign that fall has fallen. More shed design drawings completed, then went into Middlebury to buy another 20 feet of tubing for the Egyptian water level and to pick up an onion at Hannaford’s. Left Hannaford’s $50 poorer… and I wasn’t even shopping hungry. Finally got the retaining wall elevations set, and discovered that the inconsistency problem with the Egyptian water level was due to the flimsy tubing I bought in Virginia. To paraphrase Junction Auto’s motto: cheap stuff ain’t good and good stuff ain’t cheap! Barbecued chicken for dinner. (Question of the day: why does everything just taste sooooo wonderful when cooked over an open fire????) Decided to go for a dip in the lake after dinner even though the water temperature has fallen to 62°, the theory being that if the air temperature is less than the water temperature, the water will feel warm. Nice theory, and call me a wimp if you will, but the swimming season is definitely over.