5 June 2018

Spent the morning at the gym (50th high school reunion coming up in August!) and making a food run… we were totally out of tonic water, not to mention low on ice cream!  Steve Ingram (neighbor, good friend, sauna aficionado) came over just after noon and, in two hours, we totally trashed the place built the attic walkway.  All the fuzzy dots in the picture are backscatter from cellulose dust in the air… which is why respirators were de rigueur while working on high.  Inquiring minds want to know: is there any cellulose left in the attic?  The answer: what happens in the attic stays in the attic.  Right, Steve?  After Steve left, I did most of the wiring for the new attic light and outlet, getting the mess of spaghetti (12 wires) in the main junction box sorted out correctly the first time.  Even a blind squirrel…