22 June 2018

Liam Murphy came by at 8:30 and set up his short-term radon testing device in the utility room.  That device will sample the air once an hour for the next three days.  Stay tuned for results…  Late morning met Tammy Walsh (and her stone wall building crew) over at Steve Ingram’s where I traded a nice bottle of Riesling for quick use of her plate compactor.  Not only is compacting stone much easier with the machine, the stone ends up much firmer than with a hand tamp… no surprise.  In fact, after a thorough beating, the barn floor elevation will end up being 1½″ lower than I had planned originally… which is a change in a good direction.  En route to picking 20 pounds of strawberries in the hot sun (I now have much stronger respect for migrant farm workers), stopped by Green Mountain Electric (where else?) to get another 1″ PVC coupling.  Finished the conduit run upon return to Fern Lake.