21 June 2018
Made my daily stop at Green Mountain Electric
where, for a whopping 69 cents, the good folks there sold me the special
reducing washers needed to create a 1¼″ hole from a 1¾″ electrical panel
knockout. Problem solved! They also sold me the special frost-heave sleeve
that I needed for the conduit because, believe it or not, the ground does move
up and down quite a bit hereabouts in the winter. Spent much of the afternoon moving stone,
by hand, from point A to point B putting the finishing touches on the compacted
stone base for the barn foundation. Called
and left a message with Long Ridge Concrete that we’re now officially ready for
their ministrations. In case you didn’t
know, it’s a lot easier to compact stone with a gasoline-powered plate
compactor than it is with a manually operated 8″ hand tamp. After the foundation stone base was done (and a thing of beauty it
surely is), went to put the last few pieces in the 1″ PVC electrical conduit. Even though my measurements showed that I
might have just enough conduit, rather than take a chance of being royally
screwed if I was wrong on the short side, I cleverly inserted an old 7½″ piece of
PVC left over from a previous project.
But doing that used up my last coupling, which meant I was one coupling short
when I went to put in the final piece.
And, don’t you know, after cutting that last piece I ended up with 8″ of
left over conduit, so, if I had trusted my measurements, I would have had
exactly the right amount of materials to finish the job. Grrrr!
Chree and I sucked a string through the conduit and then pulled a rope
through, said rope to be used to pull the 4 AWG wire that eventually will
provide power to the barn electrical subpanel.