28 April 2018

Finished creating the stone wall footer.  Of more significance, Chree and I reached an acceptable compromise on what to do about the Tiger Lilies that are growing right where the stone wall needs to be built… that is if the wall is to be a steady 24′ 9″ from the road centerline.  Compromise: dig up the flower bulbs that would be under the wall and transplant them to between the wall and the road, with a promise from me not to mow that area.  Towards that end, started removing overburden from the barn-build site, transferring that mix of rich topsoil and sand to the flower bulb transplant area.  As unbelievable as this may sound, the barn-build site is mostly sand, with the exception of that one monster boulder and a scattering of other nuggets.  That is soooooo NOT Leicester soil!