23 April 2018
Being a rather stubborn old coot, tried once again
to dislodge the last remaining, extra large stump at the barn building
site. No joy… the Kubota just doesn’t
have enough power to even wiggle that beast… or the boulder with which it is
bonded in true Vermont civil union. Spent
much of the afternoon digging out small saplings and their rather lengthy roots
along our frontage on Lake Dunmore Road.
What does that have to do with building the barn, you ask? Answer: nothing… but one of the (many) other
projects on the list for last summer was to build a New England style stone wall
along the road, using the copious supply of rocks with which we are blessed (or
cursed, you choose). Where that rock wall
needs to go (3 rods or 24′ 9″ from the road centerline) is completely
overgrown, said overgrowth needing to be excised before a wall can be built. The good news is the growth is all small
enough to be ripped out of the ground with the backhoe. The bad news is that obviously there used to
be a stone wall along the road in that location and the growth’s roots are all
tangled around, what is now, stupendously rocky “soil”. The backhoe teeth are gonna need replacing…