26 April 2018

Moved all of the lumber that Toby delivered yesterday into the woodshed, ricked for drying.  Final counts: 84 good 2x4’s (of which I need no more than 76 for wall studs), 16 flawed 2x4’s (which can be cut up for window jacks and cripples), and 6 okay 1x6’s (which will become shelving somewhere in the barn).  Add that all together (quickly now) and it comes to 50.9 board feet of lumber, for which Toby was paid $4.91 / board foot (which included the pickup and delivery charges).  Said another way, each 2x4x9′ 4″ board cost me $2.91.  Similar quality 2x4x10 lumber from Home Depot would have cost $5.22 each.  However, using lumber from one of Chree’s favorite trees: priceless!