4 - 8 April 2016
(back to working full days) and Brandon spent the week putting together interior
door casings and then installing them throughout the house. Chree returned from Massachusetts on Tuesday
with some cute pictures of our grandson in action. Sean stopped by
briefly on Thursday to check on progress and talk about cabinetry details with
Chree. Tom returned to the fold on
Friday and contined work on the master bath tiling project. Chree has become a believer… that Kate’s
house is haunted: music and voices heard when no one else is around; games
falling off shelves, not caused by Shlomo; metal banging outside the
house when the wind blows, with no loose metal to be found there; food
disappearing out of the animal trap in the attic without the trap being tripped. Not to mention the poltergiest that I know
is living in the master bathroom shower drain.