23 April 2016

Tom was here all day (Saturday) tiling the upper hall, which he got about half done with minimal distractions from the peanut gallery.  I spent most of the morning cleaning Kate’s house and most of the aftetnoon cleaning the accessable portions of the new house main level.  Chree, meanwhile, went into Middlebury and Brandon to do errands and get a haircut… which, being a guy, I failed to notice even though she had told me that’s what she was going to do.  Me bad!!!!  Me no get [fill in the blank] for a very long time!  Late afternoon, while Chree was busy cooking up a storm, I went up to Vergennes to fetch the used but good General 1,250 cfm, 1½ hp shop dust collector that Mike and Annie Poskas had for sale.  At eventide, Lynne and Perry and Steve and Kathy Ingram came over for a house tour and a delightful delicious dinner.