3 March 2016

Sean decided that Bryan Arnold will no longer be doing the Chez Perkins tile work.  So Bryan came this morning to collect his tools and payment for work done and materials bought to date.  Sonny and Doug put up the remaining drywall in the master bath and the guest bath.  Tom Morrissey was here briefly to install the 40 amp circuit breaker in the electrical panel and connect the AWG 8 wire that will satisfy the heat pump’s robust thirst for electrons.  After Tom left, Sonny and his two Dougs reinstalled the sheetrock that had been taken down to allow access to the wire runs.  None of us noticed the pile of Roxul® leaning up against the wall (nor the huge cavities in the wall where the Roxul® used to reside) until a couple of hours later.  So we took the drywall down again and…  I think it’ll probably take a whole bucket of joint compound (mud) to fill all the holes in those sheets when Eric gets to that wall.  Eric continued his mudding and taping all day, putting second coats in some areas and first coats in others, mostly on the main level.  Craig stopped by to check on Eric’s progress and bring another eight 5-gallon buckets of joint compound.  Sonny and Doug installed the fire-door that will separate the garage from the mud entry.  It didn’t quite take the two weeks they had estimated, but it was pretty darn close!  When Sean was here this morning, he recommended that MDO be placed where the TV enclosure is being created and over the wood bin where some built-in cabinetry will be done.  So, the ace carpenters attended to that installation in the late afternoon.  While trying to de-stress after Bryan left, I did a bunch of cleaning in the basement and then built the framework for the shop workbench.  I also stuffed a bunch of Roxul around the heat pump, which noticeably attenuated the noise emanating from that critter.  Marty and Merry came over to enjoy a delicious chicken and broccoli casserole that Chree had prepared for us.  Marty and I also put a dent in the Green Label.  Okay, okay, I was the one doing the denting, but Marty did help.