12 March 2016
the morning cleaning Kate’s abode plus a couple of piles of dirty clothes, then
worked some more on the For Sale By Owner (.com) listing for our Virginia house. Merry and Marty came up for the noon tour of
the new house. After a late lunch,
discombobulated the wiring nightmare in the lower level of the woodshed,
including removing the circuit breaker on the temporary electrical panel that
heretofore fed power to the shed. So,
until I get everything put back together, no electrons will be visiting the
nether regions. While trying to move an
AWG 18-2 wire (that controls the shed overhead door opener) out of the way for
hole drilling, managed to break that wire into several pieces… I am so not
GOOD!. Then very laboriously bored a 1⅛″
hole though one of the 8″ thick oak beams… and missed my mark on the
other side by a good inch. That means
the ¾″ PVC conduit that has to go through that hole doesn’t line up with the
fitting into which it must be inserted.
#$@%$#&^#%$!!!! (Translation:
somebody pour me a scotch!) Tom
Morrissey had told me that hole was going to be pretty hard to drill. That he was exactly right really isn’t much