2 December 2015

Entered the house this morning to the strong smell of propane.  Without lighting any matches, groped my way down to the utility room and shut off the valve on the propane tank I filled yesterday. Then opened some doors and aired out the place. The propane heater was not working (probably some good news, that) and had an error code showing on the control panel.  Apparently error code 12 means the place will go up in flames with the slightest provocation. While waiting for the promised geese to arrive, trimmed the garage people-door threshold screws to see if lowering the threshold ¼ will keep it from sticking.  Didn’t work.  The flock finally pulled in just after 9:30: Ben, Ian, and Doug Devoid.  After they got set up (including firing up a different and much more powerful propane space heater), we got to work laying out the remaining partition walls in the basement.  Himself (that would be Sean) arrived just after noon.  Sean and I  started laying out the walls up on the main level while Ben, Ian, and the other Doug cut basement wall bottom plates, installed ceiling blocking where needed, then cut and installed wall top plates.  Ben left at 2 for another job.  Sean left about 3, whereupon I decided that one of the basement partition walls was going to be 1¼″ too far west and needed to be moved, which is what we did for the remainder of the afternoon. Almost dark when we quit work at 4:30.