Another productive day
of framing. Ian and Doug were here by 7
and got to work finishing the soffit in the first guest bedroom. I left for Middlebury and Brandon to do
errands soon after their arrival.
Returning to Fern Lake at 10, I found that the Goodro’s truck had
dropped off another 40 2x4’s (more than enough, we thought, to finish the house
framing) and the guys were busy putting up the basement wall between the
stairway and the hallway that leads to the storage room. I took over the job of assisting Ian with
that job so that Doug could finish the framing between the master bedroom and
the walk thru closet. Though Chree has
acquiesced to having a rectangular doorway in that wall, far-sighted guy that I
am, I had Doug frame the wall for the doorway and a pocket door, should
there be a post-occupancy change of heart.
After lunch, Ian and I finished the garage ramps and landing while Doug
got started on framing the soffits in the shop.
Ian and I joined the shop soffit framing project at 2:30. Doug left at 3. By the end of the day we were, once again,
almost out of 2x4 framing lumber, so I called in yet another $216 order
to Goodro’s.
P.S. If you’re wondering why the blog
entries lately are full of start / stop times, that’s because every two weeks I
have to reconcile the Goose Creek bill for labor with the house building
budget, which has 109 separate line items.
The blog is how I’m keeping track of how much labor is going towards
each budget item. Not nearly as exciting
as tales of catching mice or Delores’ peccadilloes, I know…