An extra large glass of red wine sure is sliding
down easy tonight. Day started off okay:
Ian and Doug got here at 7 and we continued the soffit building project. At 9:20 I got a voicemail from the Brandon
Post Office (the call was at 7:15) saying the express mail package from Chree
(containing some financial documents that I had to sign, urgently) had arrived.
The post-mistress wanted to know if they
should hold the package for pickup or send it with the mail delivery person,
and would assume the latter if nothing heard. Called back immediately. The mail
delivery person’s taillights were still visible, but gone he was, with the
package. Delivery finally happened at 1:30 pm.
The person who needed the signed documents departed for Christmas
vacation at noon. The upshot of this disconnect is that we probably won’t have
money in the checking account to pay the bills that will be due in early
January. Lovely!!!! Goodro’s delivered
another 40 2x4x12’s mid-morning… right after we had ripped enough
“scrap” 2x10’s into 2x4’s to just about finish framing. Speaking of noon, by that time the basement
interior wall and soffit framing was complete; all blocking and ceiling drywall
nailers were installed (subject to verification by Sean). Only having a couple
of very small carpentry projects yet to do (other than the sun room vaulted
ceiling that needs Sean’s expertise), I sent the guys home after lunch. After mailing and emailing financial
documents back to Virginia, spent the rest of the afternoon thoroughly
reviewing the construction budget. Boy,
that wine sure do taste good…