15 May 2015

Worked all morning on the framing for the transition between the Sauna deck and the wooden walkway.  After lunch, went into Porter Hospital to get shot.  Turned out to be a nonevent except for the initial Lidocaine injection in the groin which, by the way, is a great way to make sure you get a full confession.  Just about the time I was wondering when the actual procedure was going to start the doctor said, “Okay, you’re all done.”  Jury’s still out as to whether the cortisone will return me to full functionality… or at least what passes for such in my dotage.  Back at Fern Lake mid-afternoon, where the mosquitoes and I finished the transition framing.  Though it may look like the walkway and the deck are attached to each other, they are just touching, not bonded into even the semblance of a civil union.  Called the BLSC spraying folks as I think the swarm has started making off with some of my tools… and way too much of my blood in spite of bathing in DWO.