8 July 2012



Alex and I spent the morning doing manly things with chainsaw and splitting maul, quadrupling my supply of ready-to-use campfire wood, while Chree and Katy did domestic chores and spent some quality time on the dock with the dogs.  Lynne, Alverta, Frank, Fran, Anne, Charlie (one of Chree’s brothers), Danielle (Charlie’s wife), Alyssa (their daughter), and Perry arrived somewhat after noon for canoeing, swimming, and a picnic.  Perry brought over his propane grill and made the most incredible Portobello mushrooms with roasted bell peppers and a raspberry reduction and cheddar cheese and arugula and watermelon and…  I’ve eaten in many a four star restaurant and have rarely had anything so fabulous.  After our guests departed, Chree and I went for a canoe around the lake, which is known for its calm waters.  Not today!  There were actual whitecaps as we battled the wind back up the lake (after enjoying a leisurely trip downwind on the outbound leg).  Good exercise and a great way to burn off the surfeit of calories consumed during the picnic.