11 July 2012

While Chree attended to another week’s worth of filthy clothes, I finished digging the trench for the low voltage wire run from the electric panel to the start of the wooden walkway.  Both of those chores took all morning.  After lunch we salvaged the switch for the dock light and the “weather-tight” junction box from down at the dock.  Turns out that junction box weren’t as weather-tight as advertized, as it and the switch were quite corroded.  Fortunately, there was another weather-tight junction box with a GFI receptacle on the same post.  That box was in okay shape, so I dead-shorted the wires that energized the receptacle and liberated the box.  We’d already determined that the dock receptacles were fed by circuit breaker #27 in Kate & Dan’s electrical panel… and that nothing else was connected to that breaker.  (A dead-short is created when you twist the hot, common, and ground wires together, so if someone turns on the breaker for that circuit, it will immediately trip due to the dead-short, i.e., that line can never be energized inadvertently.)  Unfortunately, there are other receptacles and a garbage disposal connected to the circuit (breaker #17) that energized the dock light, so those lines were just capped in place, pending further machinations of an electrical nature.  After raiding the dock for things electrical, Chree and I installed ½″ PVC conduit from our electrical panel to the head of the walkway, feeding 12-2 low voltage wire through the plastic pipe as we went.  I elected NOT to glue the conduit joints, as we may have to pull that run out and reroute it when we build the house.  While Chree back-filled the trench, I hooked up the 120v / 12v transformer, a new on/off switch in the salvaged weather-tight junction box, and the first low voltage light.  Chree did the honors and threw the switch for the first time… and the light did NOT come on!  Bother!!!!  (…and why are you not surprised????)  Chree insisted that I check the bulb before tearing anything apart.  Smart lady!  Ending the day on a positive note (for a change!) we moved on to a Porterhouse steak on the campfire accompanied by garlic mashed and a LARGE G&T… which certainly hit the spot!  With all the quinine I’ve been drinking lately, I should be well and truly immune to malaria by now.