16 July 2012

The first section of the wooden walkway is done (44 feet out of the total walkway length of 432 feet).  Only took two people, working pretty much full time, three weeks… plus help from Tammy the ace backhoe person.  You do the math as to when the full walkway will be completed.  On a positive note, the walkway looks REALLY good… especially after dark… and, like all my creations, is definitely built to last.  You know the saying: “Beauty: It’s Only A Light Switch Away”.  Also on a positive note, built a jig for aligning the deck boards and, voilá, Chree and my ongoing “discussion” about how straight is straight became ancient history.  On the other hand, Chree and I very carefully moved the final in-ground support exactly 1½″ downhill from its nominal position so that the last deck board in this section (according to my back-of-the-woodshed calculations) would be in exactly the right place for the transition to the corner.  Should have moved the support exactly 1½″ uphill, which we discovered when the final deck board ended up 3″ short of where it should be.