3 July 2012

A PERFECT day for working outside and getting LOTS of things done.  So what did we accomplish?  Absolutely NOTHING!!!!  Things started great: awoke at 5:45, got up, fed the dogs, and started the coffee brewing.  Went back to bed to listen to the NOAA weather radio forecasts… and next thing we knew it was 8 o’clock.  Ooops!  After breakfast (boy, was that coffee STRONG!) Chree and I went to Lynne & Perry’s for 10 gallons of drinking water and then into Middlebury in search of five pounds of 1¼″ star-drive deck screws, a pump sprayer, and a ½″ drill bit that would work in granite.  Two out of three ain’t bad!  Got back to Fern Lake at 11 and decided to get the first two in-ground posts in place.  The 60d “rock pin” that I glued into place yesterday pulled right out as soon as we tried to put the post on it.  @#$!%!!!, or words to that effect!  So drilled the hole another ⅛″ deeper (which took a half hour, ‘cause granite-eating drill bits that will work with my hammer-drill apparently don’t exist) and stuck a 3″ piece of ½″ rebar in with some more epoxy… which takes 24 hours to cure.  Thus ended working on the walkway for the day.  After a late lunch, we figured to apply the Bora Care to the shed, using our just-acquired Hudson model 60181 multi-purpose sprayer.  While Chree moved all the “stuff” in the shed upper level away from two of the walls, I attempted to treat the oak beams in the shed lower level.  The $#@!&! sprayer wouldn’t work!  Nice spray for ½ second, a dribble, nothing for a few seconds, randomize the pattern and repeat.  So Chree read the directions (it’s nice having a woman around!) and we troubleshot the problem… to no avail, although we did isolate the blockage to the trigger mechanism assembly.  Called the H. D. Hudson Company (1-800-9-SPRAYER) who promised to send a new trigger assembly poste haste.  Thus ended treating the shed for wood boring insects for the day.  Next tried to glue a mirror to the shed lower level ceiling over the dehumidifier, so that I can see the control displays, even if upside down and backwards.  I’m sure the mirror will fall right off and break (making official my seven years of bad luck!) as soon as the brace holding it in place is removed tomorrow.  To make matters worse, used up the last of the Beefeaters while soothing our sorrows this evening.