5 August 2019

Did some sanding and hole filling on the woodshed access ramp.  Installed the first exterior spotlight on the barn’s northeast corner, only to discover that one of the knobs that locks the light in place was stripped, so the light wouldn’t stay aimed.  Said some bad words, then took that light back down.  Checked the knobs on the second light before putting it up, only to discover that one of the aiming lock knobs was frozen, rendering that light useless, too.  This is why I try hard NOT to buy items made in China!  On a positive note, repairing the barn’s damaged overhead door seal was quick and simple.  Just because I had finally gotten most of the driveway sealer tar off my body, opened up my can of foundation tar and liberally applied it to my hands the seam between the driveway turnaround area asphalt and the stonework on the west side of the woodshed.  Last winter water leaked into the garage under the woodshed like it was Niagara Falls, with that seam being the suspected culprit.