2 August 2019

Finished sealing the rest of the driveway, hands, legs, and shoes.  The job used exactly 20 buckets of sealer, equal to 95 gallons because a five gallon bucket is only 4.75 gallons these days.  That also equals 294 square feet of coverage per bucket.  Put an extra thick coat of sealer on the area in front of the 4″ pipe that drains the low spot on the driveway, as the bottom of the pipe always has been slightly too high… and can’t be lowered.  A few minutes later, discovered that a chipmunk has been using the pipe as an underground freeway, as there were fresh footprints in the fresh sealer.  Fortunately, a wet trowel soon removed the evidence.  So, if you see a Black Footed Chipmunk in the area, it’s not really a new species.  The lake level now is 5½″ below the top of the dock and the water temperature is a balmy 80°F.