By noon the barn shingling was D∙O∙N∙E,
done! Which is not to say that the barn
is finished; there still is much trim that needs painting and one final run of
1 x 4 Koma® trim to be attached at the top of each wall. Not to mention that the concrete floor needs
another coat of silane sealer. Oh, yeah,
there’s also a cupola down at Mike Many’s that belongs on top of the roof. When the stapling was done, the air
compressor was behaving itself (a small miracle, that) and there were 74 (about
a half box) of full-length shingles left over (53 in the 3½″ to 4½″ range and
21 in the 7½″ to 9″ range), which equates to ≈ 13 square feet of coverage at a
5″exposure. There also are two boxes of scrap
shingles that will make either lovely wood fire kindling or just a great
bonfire. I’m leaning toward the latter… Spent the afternoon putting away tools, cleaning
up the mess inside the barn, removing everything from the barn’s concrete floor
(trailer, tractor, snow blower, BBQ grill, etc.), then power washing said floor. What fun!