31 May 2016

Drove down to Vermont Specialty Slate, arriving at 7:45 to find the Open / Closed sign in the Open position, the doors wide open, lights and radio on… and absolutely nobody there.  Twenty minutes later, Jim Souter (the owner) pulled in… and told me that our slate would be in next Friday, not last Friday… and sorry for the confusion.  Got back to ΔΟ just as Tom was arriving… all prepared to lay slate on the front entry porch.  So instead he troubleshot the phone system, coming to the conclusion that the alarm system wasn’t passing tone to the house phones.  Called Cary Marshall, who came out at noon and determined that the alarm system wasn’t passing tone to the phones because it wasn’t getting tone from the Comcast router.  And around we go!!!!  The culprit seemed to be the new phone wire that I’d run the other day.  Sure enough, that wire’s termination at the router was faulty, as in not plugged all the way into the jack.  Oooops!  While waiting for Cary, Tom installed the Code-required electrical outlet at the east end of the kitchen peninsula cabinet.  He and I also put in the two security lights on the north end of the woodshed.  Steve was here most of the morning, continuing to insulate pipes in the mechanical room… and repairing a pinhole leak he discovered during that process.  Roger and Joe Desabrais came by just as Cary was leaving and took measurements for the custom glass walls and door needed to complete the guest bath shower enclosure.  Lit the old campfire for the first time this season and enjoyed some delightfully smoky burgers for dinner.