23 May 2016
Bonfire still is
smoldering. Sonny and Brandon spent the
day installing all the doors that have been re-varnished recently, including the
three pocket doors and four guest bedroom closet doors. They also installed the woodstove, critically
important since temperatures are supposed to reach the mid-80’s later this
week. Steve worked on plumbing,
installing several of the zone control thermostats plus, I’m sure, other
related tasks not so readily visible.
Sean came by early in the workday to review the remaining work to be
done before we move in and give direction to his troops. He also proved that the stove outlet, as
reinstalled by Tom last week, also will not work. Back to the drawing board… Kevin Haight also stopped by to further
discuss the patio and front walkway designs and pricing (250% of Sean’s
original guesstimate, which wasn’t a small number; hope the kids enjoy the
ambiance of what was left of their inheritance). Chree and I went up to Burlington to pick up
the mechanics tool chest I had ordered for the shop lavatory, spend even more
money at Home Depot, and visit briefly with Alverta. We also stopped at the Granite Group, where
we were informed that, indeed, Kohler does not stock the glass walls and door
for their 42″ x 42″ neoangle shower.