After a leisurely
pancake breakfast (with real Vermont maple syrup, no less), Frank, Fran, Chree
and I drove up to Ripton to enjoy hiking the Robert Frost Interpretive
Trail. Returned to Fern Lake for lunch
and I loaded the Kubota onto the trailer for delivery to Townline Equipment in
Pittsford for its 200 hour servicing.
Chree and parents met me there so we could continue over to the Vermont Marble
Museum in Proctor… always worth visiting.
I had to rush back to Fern Lake for a 3 o’clock meeting with Tad Fyles
(Fyles Brothers Propane)… that took place at 4:45. After starting out thinking we might need a
250 gallon above-ground propane tank to fuel the emergency generator, Tad and I
worked our way around to a 500 gallon buried tank… that turned out to be far
less costly than I was previously led to believe. Installation of said tank and the emergency
generator tentatively scheduled for late October.