Solo bike ride this
morning, seeking the path that “in theory according to Marty” allows one to
circumnavigate Fern Lake. Ended up doing
some serious mountain biking (and, no, I don’t ride a mountain bike) and
emerged from the woodland trail I was following quite a ways north on the west
side of Lake… Dunmore. Returned to Fern
Lake the same way I’d headed out. Chree and I spent most of the day planing and
sawing 1x12 hemlock into planks for the sauna ceiling and walls. 'Twas a mite dusty! Mid-morning
Cory Marshall, owner of Marshall’s Alarm Company, came by to talk about the
security system we want installed. Sometime
in the afternoon the Goodro’s truck stopped by to deliver another bale of R23 Roxul
insulation because somebody hasn’t figured out yet how to compute the square
footage of a ceiling and divide that number by the prominently displayed square
footage of coverage printed on each bale of insulation. Late afternoon, Chree and I put Hopea
Kanootti in the water for the first time this summer and did us a paddle,
stopping for a leisurely chat with Mark and Karen Evans over to their dock
across the lake. New wine-bottle-paper-bag-filled-with-
planer-shavings fire starter did not work as theorized. Does anyone
need paper bags for a thousand wine bottles?