12 September 2015

Dropped off the dogs at Lynne and Perry’s mid-morning.  Lizzy and Shlomo immediately started a contest to see who could be the more hyperactive.  Chree and I then drove over to NH.  Do you remember that old Vermont saying, “You can’t get there from here!”?  Well, that pretty much describes the route from Salisbury to North Conway.  Stayed at the Eastman Inn, a bed & breakfast on the outskirts of town.  Late afternoon, went up to the Glen House in Pinkham Notch to attend a fund-raising event for the Mount Washington Observatory, which included a champagne toast at sunset on the summit observation deck.  In the picture is Brian Fowler, MWObs President, giving his toast as the sun goes down behind him.  Pretty spectacular, huh?!?!  A fun evening, in spite of the weather.