20 June 2015

Spent the day with Mr. Jonsered clearing all the trees from the area where the leach field will be installed.  There were a lot more trees that had to come down than I originally thought.  Must have been male-pattern blindness when I scoped the job with both Tyler and Jimmy.  Most of trees were smallish, but one 20″ diameter maple was right in the middle.  Hated to take down that tree, but Chree is insisting we have flush toilets in the house.  Mr. Kubota made many, many trips hauling slash from the clearing to the burn pile, which has grown to gigantic proportions once again.  Was pretty well whipped by the end of the day so a quick dip in the lake sure did feel wonderful!  Saw Kate (out kayaking) while I was cooling off and got her permission to run the septic force main alongside her driveway (but still on our property) for 75 feet or so, which will save having to cut down several trees, but will make a mess out of her driveway during the construction.  Kate suggested liberal use of gin and tonic to relieve the aches and pains that the lake immersion didn’t cure.  Smart lady!