Houston, the geese
have landed! Was expecting them at 8;
Ian Birkett and Ralph “Sonny” Torrey showed up at 6:55, with Sean following
shortly thereafter. The Fyles Brothers
truck arrived at 8:15 to give Delores a 15 gallon drink of propane. Just as the fuel truck was leaving, Tyler
Maynard arrived to stake out the leach field location. We were able to finagle the placement enough
that several large trees can remain in that area and still meet the leach field
setback requirements. In case you were
wondering (or even if you weren’t) if trees are too close to the leach field,
they get an unfair nutrient advantage, so to keep things fair, the State has
mandated that all trees be back a minimum of 10 feet. And if you believe that one,… Ian and Sonny cut holes in the exterior wall
sheathing while I ran to Goodro’s for materials needed to install the
windows. Then the two Geese started
putting in windows while I did cleanup work behind them and moved the wood
blocking material stored in the garage (right in the way of where the garage
windows are going) down to the basement Shop (so that lumber can be right in
the way when we start building interior walls down there). Shortly after lunch it started to pour, so
Ian and Sonny transitioned to tweaking the installation of the Garage and Shop
people doors that were not installed properly last fall (by a Goose who has
since flown to other skies). In the
course of that endeavor, discovered that the Kwikset latch mechanism on the
Shop door had a manufacturing defect, so I replaced the faulty part from a set
recently purchased for the front door.
By 2 o’clock it was looking like the rain was going to be around for
awhile (finally quit at 3:30), so the Geese left, having installed the two
Study windows, the Laundry window, and half of the Master Bath window. Thereupon I finished preparations for the
evening’s festivities, i.e., gave Delores a good scrubbing. Marty & Merry came up for a spaghetti
dinner, topped off with some fabulous raspberry bars… the products of
yesterday’s culinary extravaganza.