Started back to work on the walkway retaining wall at 7:30 a.m. and had finished the wall by 1:30 p.m., with a nice break for lunch and dealing with the house alarm going off at Marty & Merry’s (who had left this morning on a three day trip to New Jersey). Met two very nice Vermont State Troopers, one of whom rents a place at the north end of Fern Lake. Took Steve (with some grunt labor help from me) a total of 10 hours to build 48 feet of wall that looks positively stunning. Did some other small two-person chores, a little survey work down by the waterfront, and, then, even though it was way before quitting time, we went for a swim. In order to have the end of the dock in 6 feet of water, the dock will have to be 24 feet long (vice the 16 feet I was planning). Oh, well, plan early, plan twice, as Steve is fond of saying. As we returned back up the walkway we met Perry, who had come over to renew his acquaintance with Steve. Perry was encouraged to make suitable commendatory comments about the quality of the walkway retaining wall construction. We three then spent some quality man-time rehydrating and telling tales around the campfire, subsequently used to char some beef to go along with some more rehydrating beverages. A delightful bit of paddling Hopea Kanootti around the lake at dusk topped off a very productive and enjoyable day.
30 May 2013
Started back to work on the walkway retaining wall at 7:30 a.m. and had finished the wall by 1:30 p.m., with a nice break for lunch and dealing with the house alarm going off at Marty & Merry’s (who had left this morning on a three day trip to New Jersey). Met two very nice Vermont State Troopers, one of whom rents a place at the north end of Fern Lake. Took Steve (with some grunt labor help from me) a total of 10 hours to build 48 feet of wall that looks positively stunning. Did some other small two-person chores, a little survey work down by the waterfront, and, then, even though it was way before quitting time, we went for a swim. In order to have the end of the dock in 6 feet of water, the dock will have to be 24 feet long (vice the 16 feet I was planning). Oh, well, plan early, plan twice, as Steve is fond of saying. As we returned back up the walkway we met Perry, who had come over to renew his acquaintance with Steve. Perry was encouraged to make suitable commendatory comments about the quality of the walkway retaining wall construction. We three then spent some quality man-time rehydrating and telling tales around the campfire, subsequently used to char some beef to go along with some more rehydrating beverages. A delightful bit of paddling Hopea Kanootti around the lake at dusk topped off a very productive and enjoyable day.