20 May 2013

…and rained off and on all morning, so did a number of sauna construction drawings based on discussions with Perry yesterday about design considerations. By 1 o’clock the sun was peeking through, so surveyed to establish the string line for the last 68 foot section of walkway.  Also checked and found that where the walkway will end up with respect to its final elevation above the lake is within an inch of where it was designed to be.  Not too shabby after constructing 333′ 3″ of sloped walkway and seven landings using only a hand-held leveling sight and some ancient range rods.  After patting myself vigorously on the back, started digging in-ground post holes for the final section of the walkway.  Mosquitoes today seemed to like the taste of Deep Woods Off. Got two posts planted and had just unwrapped the radial arm saw to cut the post for the third hole when it started to sprinkle again.  Was quitting time anyway, so no big deal… but I was going to BBQ chicken tonight as the forecast had been for decent weather by this evening.  Instead had a very interesting (I think that’s the right word) stir-fry with the chicken, some leftover BBQ pork, and all the vegetables (two) I could find.  But smother anything with enough Sweet Baby Rays, wash it down with enough gin & tonic, top it off with enough ice cream covered with enough HRP, and, sure enough, what a feast!  Belt has been on the fifth (tightest) notch for a week now and had to tighten the tool belt, so looks like I’m back to fighting trim for the summer.  Now if someone would just call about the Ranger…