7 June 2012

The day started out not so good: Marty (aka: The Road Warrior) hit some loose gravel and crashed at the exact halfway point of our morning bike ride.  He and his bike were sufficiently beat up that we had to call for evacuation.  Fortunately Merry was home, though three Good Samaritans did stop at the accident scene to offer assistance.  Even more fortunately, nothing was broken except the tires on the bike.  I soloed back to Fern Lake, then headed for Burlington where I spent the day helping my mother with things she needed help with… and spending more money at Lowes.  Upon return to Fern Lake I offered to bring Marty some Black Label, but he demurred, saying that codeine was proving sufficient for the pain from his wounds.  So I drank his allotment as a toast to his speedy recovery.