1 June 2012

THE SOUTH WALL IS DONE!!!!  Returned the staging to Taylor Rental at 7 o’clock.  Charge was $40, which makes me appreciate even more the staging loans from Bob Hillman and Don Ross in times past.  Haven’t yet figured out how I’m going to put the final trim piece on the north wall without either (1) more staging or (2) another non-acrophobic person or (3) killing myself.  During the drive the Check Engine light went off, so cancelled the Ranger’s appointment at Junction Auto.  Installed the trim around the northern woodshed doorway; perfectly level and perfectly plum, of course.  After two days of misery, for some reason the mosquitoes took a day off; hardly any to speak of.  Go figure!  Lake temperature now a delightful 75 degrees.  To celebrate the south wall completion, briefly introduced a Porterhouse steak to my campfire.  “Hello, Fire.”  “Hello, Steak.”  “Goodbye, Steak.”  “Moooo…”  There are those who consider “rare” to be slightly overcooked… and I be one of them!