28 May 2012

A memorial day.  Took apart the Advantech and 2x4 structure blocking the northern woodshed doorway, then sawed the Advantech into the sizes needed to build the two doors for that side.  After solving a most difficult Sudoku puzzle during breakfast, judged that the gods were on my side today (in which judgment, alas, I was to be proven gravely mistaken).  Finished putting 30# felt (tar paper) around the doorway opening, preparatory to installing the doorway trim.  Then remembered that I had used a piece of that trim on the southern set of doors after a measuring faux pas left me with a piece of 5/4x4 that was 1″ shorter than needed.  Bah, humbug!  So took belt sander and Skilsaw in hand and tried to “tweak” the already –installed woodshed doors so that they fit their opening better, i.e., (in carpenter speak) they had a uniform reveal around their edges.  Have you ever laid in the dirt, with the sun beating down in your eyes, being devoured by mosquitoes, while holding a heavy belt sander over your chest, eating / breathing sawdust, while trying to even up a door that refuses to stay in one position?  Try it sometime.  Then you’ll truly appreciate why afterwards I spent a half hour in the lake pulling Eurasian Milfoil plants as a much more desirable alternative occupation.  Pot luck dinner over at Kate & Dan’s, featuring a delightfully chilled bottle of Chrysalis Vineyards Sarah’s Patio Red and a long-awaited chance to catch up on their life theatrical.