25 May 2012
A very long day: it’s
9:20 pm and just finished dinner a few minutes ago. Woke at 5:30, decided that was just too early
to arise, and, don’t ya know, next thing I knew it was 7:30. Must have encountered some sort of time warp.
Levitated out of bed, did a zillion chores, gulped down some breakfast, then
headed out for a 15 mile bike ride with Marty (visited the Salisbury dump
today, a popular tourist attraction).
Got to work shingling at 10 and by 7:30 pm had four more courses on the
east wall, for a total today of 33 square feet. Doubt if I’ve achieved
“professional” status quite yet. Late
afternoon Dan and Kate arrived at their place for the weekend. Spent a few
minutes catching up and got some great news: Kate will be appearing again this
summer at the Dorset Playhouse. Can’t